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Rand Paul Says Senate Health-Care Bill Doesn't Have The Votes

Senator Rand Paul took to the Sunday talk shows again this week to discuss the fate of Senate Health care bill 2.0., and in news that will surprise almost no one who’s been following along, the conservative Kentucky senator said Sunday on Fox and Friends that he doesn't think Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has the votes to pass the healthcare bill in its current form, according to the Hill.

Senate To Delay Health Vote After McCain Blood Clot Surgery

The Senate will "defer" its work on repealing and replacing Obamacare Majority leader Mitch McConnell said late on Saturday, as John McCain, 80, recovers from surgery to remove a blood clot above his eye Reuters reports. The health care reform bill, which is already neared collapse as senators Rand Paul and Susan Collins have already said they would oppose it, would fail without McCain's vote. With Democrats united in opposition, McConnell needs support from at least 50 out of 52 Republicans to pass the measure in the 100-member chamber.

Human Guinea Pigs: Congress Slams Door On Pentagon Biochemical Weapons Testing Declassification

Human Guinea Pigs: Congress Slams Door On Pentagon Biochemical Weapons Testing Declassification

In the 1960's and 1970's the US government tested chemical and biological weapons on US troops in still little known secret programs called Projects 112 and SHAD (Shipboard Hazard and Defense). The Vietnam era tests involved some 6,000 military personnel being subject to experiments involving deadly nerve agents like sarin and VX, as well as biological agents like E. Coli, all of which can result in quick death or potential lifelong debilitating health issues such as long-term central nervous system failure.
