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Senate Republicans Reveal New "Obamacare-Lite" Healthcare Bill

Senate Republicans Reveal New "Obamacare-Lite" Healthcare Bill

In what could very well end up being just another exercise in futility, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has just released a new version of a healthcare plan which, among other things, incorporates demands from Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) to allow insurers to sell low-cost, skimpier plans all in an effort to draw conservative support for the new bill.

Called the "Consumer Freedom Amendment," we highlighted the main points of the Cruz/Lee proposal last month:

S&P Scrambles Back To Unchanged After Trump Jr. Turmoil, Dollar At Low-Of-Day

S&P Scrambles Back To Unchanged After Trump Jr. Turmoil, Dollar At Low-Of-Day

'Dip-buyers' stepped up bravely to rescue stock markets after Trump Jr.'s email threatened to unravel the hype of Trump tax cuts... but it seems McConnell's sumemr-school for Senators has saved the day as hope is back that healthcare (then tax cuts) will emerge... and the S&P reached unchanged...


The question is - now that the machines accomplished their machines - what happenes next?


Because the dollar is not buying it...

Obamacare Death Spiral: At Least 2 Million Adults Ditch Coverage In 2017 Amid Soaring Premiums

Obamacare Death Spiral: At Least 2 Million Adults Ditch Coverage In 2017 Amid Soaring Premiums

As Democrats continue to defend an obviously failed Obamacare system, the effects of soaring rates and collapsing coverage options seem to be taking a toll on the number of people actually buying health insurance these days.  According to the "Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index," the percentage of uninsured adults in the U.S. bottomed out at 10.9% in Q4 2016 but has since increased to 11.7% in just the first two quarters of 2017. 


Trump Slams Congress On Obamacare Repeal As Senate Remains Deadlocked

Moments after taking aim at his nemesis, former FBI director James Comey, whom he accused of "illegally" leaking classified information ot the media, Trump took aim at Congress, and specifically the passage of Obamacare repeal, saying he did not expect Congress to leave for its summer recess without approving a "beautiful" new healthcare bill.

“I cannot imagine that Congress would dare to leave Washington without a beautiful new HealthCare bill fully approved and ready to go!” Trump tweeted.
