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DMT: Can It Make Clinical Death Longer?

DMT (dimethyltryptamine), which is sometimes referred to as “the spirit molecule“, is known to users to cause extremely profound psychedelic experiences. Now, scientists Ede Frecska and Attila Szabo are proposing some fascinating new experiments with the chemical aimed at allowing the brain to survive for long periods without oxygen. According to Collective Evolution: “Our main tenet is that DMT is involved in the healing and regeneration of cells, it helps the body to survive extreme stress like clinical death,” Frecska wrote on the funding page.

Weighted Blankets Help Severe Anxiety – You Can Make One At Home

Have you ever heard of weighted blankets aiding autistic people? Well, there is mounting evidence that they are also extremely beneficial for anxiety sufferers. The best part is you can make one at home! According to David Wolfe: A bed cover to ease anxiety and help you feel better? A weighted blanket has been proven to be beneficial for sleepers. Most of the talk about sleeping centers around what one sleeps on, not under. It turns out the two should be discussed in harmony. To fall asleep on and under the right conditions will make you a dreamy blanket sandwich.

CDC Admits Fabricating Link Between Zika Virus And Microcephaly

Amid a media frenzy over the spread of the Zika virus worldwide, the CDC have been forced to admit that people are able to self-immunize against the virus, and have also suggested that Zika itself does not cause Microcephaly.  On their own website, the Center for Disease Control, say: People usually don’t get sick enough to go to the hospital, and they very rarely die of Zika. For this reason, many people might not realize they have been infected. Once a person has been infected, he or she is likely to be protected from future infections.

Robert De Niro Tells Press MMR Vaccine Made His Son Autistic

Robert De Niro has expressed sorrow for deciding to pull a controversial film confirming that the MMR vaccine causes autism – saying that his own son became autistic ‘overnight’ after receiving the vaccine from doctors.  The actor and creator of the Tribeca Film Festival came under fire last week after caving into pressure from Big Pharma and pulling Andrew Wakefield’s new film Vaxxed: From Cover-up To Catastrophe.
