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Junior Doctor Resigns Live On TV To Focus On Legal Campaign

A junior doctor announced his intention to quit the NHS over unfair working conditions and pay on live TV ahead of an all-out strike. Dr Ben White stands with a multitude of disenfranchised doctors who started their working careers with the intention of helping the needy until they found out the National Health Service had turned into a for-profit organisation.

Six Month Old Baby Left Brain Damaged After Receiving 8 Vaccine Doses

A Texas mother is speaking out against the horrific injuries her six month old daughter sustained after being given 8 vaccine doses during a routine visit to the doctors surgery.  After receiving vaccines for DTap/Hib/IPV, hepatitis B, pneumococcal Prevnar 13, and the oral Rotavirus vaccine, Cerenity suffered several major health problems which eventually led to her becoming permanently brain damaged. Prior to the vaccines Cerenity was a perfectly healthy happy baby with normal physical and cognitive development.

The Michael Pearson Era Is Officially Over: Valeant Appoints Joseph Papa As Chairman And CEO

The Michael Pearson era at Valeant is officially over. Following a week of leaks that the troubled Canadian ex-rollup will hire Perrigo's CEO, Joseph C. Papa, moments ago the company confirmed this when the VRX board said that it has named Joseph C. Papa to become Valeant's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (incidentally this comes on the day in which Periggo stock tumbled after the company slashed its 2016 EPS forecast from $9.50-$9.80 to $8.20-$8.50).

The full presss release:

Chief HPV Scientist Admits Vaccines Are A Deadly Scam

Dr. Diane Harper, one of the leading experts on HPV vaccines, has spoken out about the ‘deadly effects’ the vaccines have on those who take it.  Dr. Harper was responsible for the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies for Gardasil and Cervarix, which secured approval for their use on the public. During a speech at the 4th International Conference on Vaccination, she decided to come clean to the public about the dangers of receiving the HPV vaccine – saying that she could no longer sleep at night.

Obese People & Smokers Are ‘Soft Targets’ For NHS Savings

The Royal College of Surgeons say that growing numbers of obese people and smokers are being denied operations as they become “soft targets” for an NHS  which has become desperate to save money. According to evidence, they found that patients were being refused hip and knee replacements and a range of other procedures in more and more parts of England. They found that 34 per cent of the 200 health commissioners have one or more policies on body mass index (BMI) level or smoking status which prevent overweight patients or smokers being referred for routine surgery.
