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Kardashian Sister Kylie Jenner Exposes Vaccine Industry

The youngest Kardashian sister Kylie Jenner posted an anti-vaccination photo on Saturday on her Twitter account, criticising the Big Pharma vaccine industry.  Moments after the photo was posted, Jenner deleted the picture amid a furious backlash from fans and mainstream media outlets who labelled her a ‘conspiracy theorist’. The picture showed a child getting a vaccine with the caption, “Lack of food. Lack of shelter. Lack of clean water.

U.S. Authorities Consider Mandatory Mental Health Screening For Teenagers

U.S. authorities are considering proposals by the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPTF) to screen all teenagers in America for mental health problems – in what some are saying is a push to increase the prescription of psychiatric drugs among the population.  The USPTF recently updated their recommendations on the screening of children and teenagers for major depressive disorder (MDD) in an article in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. They demand that children aged 12 and older be routinely screen for MDD.

Dairy Farmers Boycott Vaccine Industry

Large numbers of dairy farmers are boycotting vaccination programs, saying that animals aren’t getting any health benefits from the vaccines which the farmers say are costing them too much money.  Big Pharma recommends that farmers vaccinate their animals against leptospirosis and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), but farmers have said the aggressive push to have the animals vaccinated is just a way for Big Pharma to make money. reports: But not everyone is happy about the decision many fo the farmers are making not to vaccinate their milk cows.

Documents Reveal TSA Covered Up Body Scanners Cancer Risk

Newly released documents reveal that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) intentionally misled the public about the safety of the controversial body scanners used by the TSA at airports.  The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) obtained documents via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) showing that body scanner technology poses a heightened risk of getting cancer due to dangerous levels of radiation being emitted.
