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Human Interest

Is Trump Starting To Get To Cruz: "I Don't Want To Copulate With Him"

The GOP presidential nominee campaign just went from the sublime to the utterly ridiculous. In what appeared to a prepared remark, Ted Cruz just explained to holiday-weekend-crowd of reporters that he "has no desire to copulate with Donald Trump."


Compare this...

"Let me be clear, Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."


Which oddly seems to imply that Cruz may enjoy the company of rats (just not Donald Trump size ones).

Robert De Niro Defends Anti-Vaccine Stance: “They Gave My Child Autism”

Robert De Niro has been forced to explain his anti-vaccine views amid a huge media storm about claims that they cause autism.  Various media outlets have condemned Andrew Wakefield’s documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe – screened during the Tribeca Film Festival – of which Robert De Niro is co-founder. In a personal statement he defended his choice to screen the film: “Grace [Hightower] and I have a child with autism and we believe it is critical that all of the issues surrounding the causes of autism be openly discussed and examined“.

Trump Aide "Spills The Beans" On Heidi Cruz As Media Goes Crazy Over #CruzSexScandal

Trump Aide "Spills The Beans" On Heidi Cruz As Media Goes Crazy Over #CruzSexScandal

The "wife" feud, which initially many though was merely a sideshow between Donal Trump and Ted Cruz, has taken a quick turn for the ugly and is escalating dramatically with every passing day, and now that even the National Enquirer has entered the fray, has rapidly devolved to nothing less than the surreal twilight zone.

For those who need a primer of what is rapidly becoming the biggest "issue" in the presidential race, here is a reminder, courtesy of our post from last night "Tough Guy Ted Warns "Sniveling Coward" Trump: "Leave My Wife Alone":

Tough Guy Ted Warns "Sniveling Coward" Trump: "Leave My Wife Alone"

Tough Guy Ted Warns "Sniveling Coward" Trump: "Leave My Wife Alone"

This embarrassing episode just goes from farce to farcical-er.

Phase 1:Cruz Reps "Cross The Line"

Almost a week ago, we were stunned when we learned that in order to support Ted Cruz and to "attack" Donald Trump, Liz Mair's anti-Trump Make America Awesome super PAC launched a Facebook campaign which in addition to showcasing Mitt Romney's support for Ted Cruz, emphasizing Trump’s past support for pro-choice policies, it also crossed the family line when it showed a GQ modeling photo of Melania Trump posing nude.

Naming the Dead

In July of 1977 a young man named Richard Herrin murdered his ex-girlfriend, Bonnie Garland, by smashing her head in with a hammer as she slept. Herrin and Garland had met as students at Yale, and had dated for two years, but she had told him she wanted to be free to see other people.
