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Human Interest

Teenager Sexually Assaulted & Pepper Sprayed At Trump Rally

A 15-year-old female protester at a Donald Trump rally in Wisconsin was allegedly sexually molested and pepper sprayed outside the venue by two men, according to police reports. The Washington Free Beacon reports: The police department in Janesville, Wisconsin, said in a news release that the teen girl was “pepper sprayed in the crowd” after being “groped” by a man in the crowd outside the rally, which took place Tuesday afternoon at the Holiday Inn Express and Janesville Convention Center.

The Latest Mars Photo Conspiracy: UFO Hunter Sees Fossilized Fish

Mars is ripe with mystery. In the last year, people have claimed to see everything from a “reptilian” to a Star Wars spaceship. Now there’s been a new sighting. A UFO enthusiast has claims to have spotted a “fossilized fish” in an image recently released by NASA GeoBeats News reports: As NASA continues to explores Mars through its rovers, believers in extraterrestrial life keep pointing out discoveries of their own. Scott C. Waring of UFO Sightings Daily says he’s found a fossilized fish on Mars.

Eerie UFO Footage Shows Aliens Knew About 9/11

Video evidence of a purported UFO has surfaced showing alien spacecraft flying near the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attacks on September 11, 2001.  A series of YouTube videos by Australian Phil Young suggest that aliens worked in conjunction with elements within the U.S. government to orchestrate 9/11. reports: LARGE BLURRY UFOS SAW 911 Somewhere out there, a society of out of focus aircraft are terrorizing Earth and are responsible for 911. Either that, or the footage that Philip Young has showed it utter junk.
