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Human Interest

Jennifer Garner Switches Allegiance To Trump, Hollywood Outraged

Former Democratic Party donor Jennifer Garner has delivered a ringing endorsement of President Trump, promising to help him deliver on campaign promises he made to working class Americans. “I’m looking forward to helping him make good on what they saw as promises, a mandate from him, that he was going to make their lives better,” Garner told the Washington Post. Proving she is not as out-of-touch as her Hollywood peers, the West Virginia born actress said, “If he’s willing to help the poor kids who got him elected, then let’s do it.

PwC Accountants Behind Oscars Fiasco Barred From Future Academy Awards

PwC Accountants Behind Oscars Fiasco Barred From Future Academy Awards

On Monday morning, after the historic Oscars' fiasco, we highlighted a recent Financial News interview with Brian Cullinan, the Matt Damon-lookalike Pricewaterhouse Coopers accountant who was quickly singled out as responsible for the award screw up, in which he said that “as long as our relationship is good and strong and we do a good job, which we always do, the Academy has been pleased, I think, with how we’ve been involved.

Goldman's Top FX Strategist Robin Brooks Is Quitting

Goldman's Top FX Strategist Robin Brooks Is Quitting

On the day for market that can only be described as a blow off top, two things that one would normally anticipate with the Dow above 21,000 and S&P at all time highs, are taking place: first, the departure of the Co-CEO of the world's largest hedge fund, Ray Dalio, as reported moments ago. Now, in a less high profile if just as unexpected departure, Goldman's chief FX strategist, Robin Brooks, the replacement to the infamous Thomas Stolper, has also announced he is leaving the company.

This is the email he just sent to clients:

Terrifying Ghost Photobombs Teenager’s Selfie

A 13-year-old girl who posted a selfie to Facebook became terrified when she realised that a shadowy ghost ‘photobombed’ her picture.  Jessica Ogletree posted a picture taken by her teenage daughter to Facebook, but quickly realised that a creepy looking man lurked in the background of the photo. Fox 10 reports: The teen and her brother were reportedly fishing with their grandparents in Tifton, Georgia when something other worldly decided to tag along. “Notice my son Kolton in the background and then notice the gentleman standing to his right!!!” Jessica posted on Facebook.

UFO Fireball Filmed Hurtling Over Tasmania

Thousands of citizens witnessed a huge UFO fireball hurtling through the skies of Tasmania, Australia on Tuesday morning, as government officials attempted to explain the spectacle away as a airplane.  According to Airservices Australia, the enormous fireball was a plane “passing over Australian airspace”. Herald Sun reports: “This isn’t a bloody plane, wake up people. If it was a plane then damn that would be one burning big ass plane. Planes don’t leave flames so how bout you all open your f*****g eyes and get some perspective” wrote one passionate Facebook user.
