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Italy Falls Out Of Love With The Euro: Beppe Grillo Resurgent In The Polls

Italy Falls Out Of Love With The Euro: Beppe Grillo Resurgent In The Polls

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

Recent polls for Italian politicians supporting the eurozone and EU have collapsed.

Pro-Europe polls are highly likely to get worse as a  further splintering of Matteo Renzi’s PD party takes place.

It is not out of question for Beppe Grillo’s eurosceptic Five Star Movement (M5S) party to achieve an absolute majority in the next election. However, please note that 40% is the threshold for a “majority”.

The European Debt Bomb Fuse Is Lit! Target2 Imbalances Hit Crisis Levels

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Eurozone Target2 imbalances have touched or exceeded the crisis levels hit in 2012 when Greece was on the verge of leaving the Eurozone. Others have noted the growing imbalances as well.

I had a couple of questions for the ECB regarding Target2, which they have answered, I believe disingenuously.

First, we will explain Target2, then we will take a look at various charts, viewpoints, and the email exchange with the ECB.

Target2 Background

Matteo Renzi Says He Will Resign After Losing Referendum

Matteo Renzi Says He Will Resign After Losing Referendum

As was reported earlier, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is expected to deliver a statement on the Italian referendum at midnight Italian time. According to Italy's RAI, the statement has been delayed by 20 minutes. It is unclear what the topic of Renzi's statement will be although speculation is rampant that the 41 year old prime minister may announce his resignation, opening the way for a new government and/or new elections.