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All Depressions Are Not Created Equal

Authored by Project Chesapeake's Tom Chatham, via,

It has been said that history may not repeat but it sometimes rhymes. Just as the generals always seem to fight the last war people seem to prepare for the last depression. Times change and the mechanism that leads to misfortune changes with it. Looking at the past may not give us the clear answer to how to deal with the future but it can help us to determine what might happen and how to deal with it when the time comes.

Why 'Good' Jobs Matter (In 1 Recovery-Crushing Chart)

Why 'Good' Jobs Matter (In 1 Recovery-Crushing Chart)

Initial jobless claims continue to hover at 43 year lows, suggesting that everything is awesome in America - just ask President Obama. So why is US GDP not growing at 3.0%-plus as the 'models' would suggest? Simple - because job 'quality' matters and the chart below should slap that into the face of fiction-peddlers across the nation...



Surging minimum-wage employment amid plunging manufacturing jobs - now that is a legacy to be proud of.

Automating Ourselves To Unemployment

Automating Ourselves To Unemployment

Submitted by Adam Smith via,

Students of Austrian business cycle theory are familiar with the term malinvestment. A malinvestment is any poor use of resources or capital, commonly made in response to bad policy (usually artificially low interest rates and/or unsustainable increases in the monetary supply). The dot-com bubble that popped in 2001? The housing bubble that similarly burst in 2008? Those were classic examples of malinvestment.
