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Study: 2.1 Million Hispanics May Have Illegally Voted For Hillary

According to a 2013 study, over 2 million Hispanics who are not citizens of the United States may have illegally voted for Hillary Clinton during last years election.  According to the study by McLaughlin and Associates, and cited by The Washington Times, 13 percent of Hispanic non-citizens in the U.S. were registered to vote. reports: Donald Trump won the election but lost the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton. He has said several times he believes voter fraud was rampant. In the 2013 study, 13 percent of the non-citizen Hispanics said they were registered to vote.

Chaffetz Seeks Charges Against Former Hillary IT Aide Bryan Pagliano

Chaffetz Seeks Charges Against Former Hillary IT Aide Bryan Pagliano

Back in September, at the height of the Hillary emailgate investigation, Clinton's IT aid who helped setup her private email server, Bryan Pagliano, apparently decided that Congressional subpoenas, like federal record retention laws, were merely optional suggestions that did not require compliance.  As such, Pagliano elected to skip not one, but two, Congressional hearings in front of Jason Chaffetz' (R-Utah) House Oversight Committee despite his direct involvement in setting up he private servers.

FBI Clears Michael Flynn Over Phony Russian Relationship Claims

The FBI has concluded that Michael Flynn did not have any secret relationship with Russia and has cleared the retired Lt. General of any wrongdoing. According to a U.S. intelligence official speaking with NPR, after reviewing the transcripts, FBI agents found that Michael Flynn’s forced resignation could only have been orchestrated from Obama insiders operating within the White House. reports: After reviewing the transcripts, the FBI found NO WRONG DOING!!

Federal Court: FBI Hid Evidence Saudi Arabia Orchestrated 9/11

A federal court has ordered the FBI to release top-secret evidence that proves Saudi Arabia helped orchestrate the 9/11 attacks.  In an unusual Freedom of Information Act trial in Miami scheduled for this March, the FBI has been forced to release information the agency withheld from the public in the 9/11 Review Commission. According to one disclosure, the FBI acknowledge that its agents had found “many connections” between Saudis living Sarasota and the 9/11 hijackers.
