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Hillary’s Email Server Guy Takes Fifth In Court Deposition

Hillary Clinton’s server guy who oversaw the running of her private email server when she was Secretary of State, has pleaded the fifth to avoid a court deposition. Bryan Pagliano is refusing to testify in a federal court, fearing that his recorded deposition could later be released to the public. Despite his immunity in the Hillary email investigation, Pagliano is refusing to cooperate with authorities in case evidence emerges that Hillary broke the law.

California Postpones Bill To Prosecute Climate Change Skeptics

A controversial bill that would allow for the prosecution of climate change deniers in California was postponed on Thursday by the California Senate. The California Climate Science Truth and Accountability Act of 2016 (Senate Bill 1161) would have authorised to prosecute fossil fuel companies, think tanks and members of the public who denied man-made climate change.

Hillary To Be Dumped From Presidential Race Over Racketeering Charges

The FBI have indicated that they will recommend to the Department of Justice that Hillary Clinton be indicted on charges of Federal racketeering, thus potentially ending her bid for President.  “James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.” Glob

PM’s Ex- Aide Guilty Of 5 Counts Of Making Indecent Images Of Children

David Cameron’s former aide Patrick Rock was given a two-year conditional discharge for downloading and  possessing indecent images of children. Rock, who was one of the government’s chief advisers on online pornography filters, walked free from Southwark court after being convicted of downloading pictures of girls as young as 10 in sexual poses. ITV reports: The 65-year-old had claimed the 20 images he downloaded on to his iPad over three days in August 2013 were not indecent. But the jury in his trial convicted Rock by a majority verdict of five counts.

UK’s ‘Worst Paedophile’ Faces Life Sentences For Malaysia Child Abuse

One of Britain’s most prolific paedophiles is facing up to 22 life sentences after he posed as an English teacher to target and abuse babies and young children in Malaysia. Investigators said Huckle was “a constant groomer ” who pretended to be a Christian philanthropist while in fact basing “his whole life around the sexual abuse of children” Richard Huckle, 30 who targeted children from poor communities is suspected of having sexually abused as many as 200 children in Cambodia and Malaysia while undertaking voluntary work.
