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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

"Don't Mess With Yellowstone Supervolcano" Geologists Warn NASA

"Don't Mess With Yellowstone Supervolcano" Geologists Warn NASA

Two weeks ago, we reported that Brian Wilcox, a former member of the NASA Advisory Council on Planetary Defense, had shared a report on what the Space Agency considered one of the greatest natural threats to human civilization: the Yellowstone "supervolcano."

Following an article published by BBC about super volcanoes last month, a group of NASA researchers got in touch with the media to share a report previously unseen outside the space agency about the threat Yellowstone poses, and what they hypothesize could possibly be done about it. 

NASA Unveils Plan To Stop Yellowstone "Supervolcano" Eruption, There's Just One Catch

NASA Unveils Plan To Stop Yellowstone "Supervolcano" Eruption, There's Just One Catch

A NASA plan to stop the Yellowstone supervolcano from erupting, could actually cause it to blow... triggering a nuclear winter that would wipe out humanity.

As we have detailed recently, government officials have been closely monitoring the activity in the Yellowstone caldera.

However, as's Mac Slavo details, scientists at NASA have now come up with an incredibly risky plan to save the United States from the super volcano.
