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next week’s primary

A Preview Of Tonight's Critical New York Primary

The race for the Presidential nomination runs through the "must win" state of New York today, where Republican Donald Trump will look to sweep his home state and widen his lead over Ted Cruz and John Kasich. For the Democrats, Hillary Clinton will be trying to fend off Bernie Sanders, who's been on an impressive run as of late and seems to have significant momentum heading into this important primary.

Here is what the delegate breakdown currently looks like.

For the Republicans


And the Democrats


Iowa Results

Despite dropping in late polls, Cruz used his superior campaign organization to storm back and take the Iowa caucuses by a decent margin. If a Cruz win seems somewhat anticlimactic at this point, that’s only because he had been doing very well in the state for several weeks until his slump in late January. Trump’s equally unimpressive ground game left him with the second-place finish that he was poised to have a couple weeks ago, and that happened in spite of a huge increase in turnout that was supposed to help him.