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Hurricane Harvey Surge-Nado: Auto SAAR Soars To 30-Year High On Hurricane Replacements

Hurricane Harvey Surge-Nado: Auto SAAR Soars To 30-Year High On Hurricane Replacements

Last month, when we reported auto sales data, we noted that this month would be all about replacement demand from Hurricane Harvey and thus largely irrelavant.  Fast forward 30 days and that appears to be exactly what has happened as annualized auto sales for the month of September suddenly surged to a 30-year high of 18.5mm units, up 15.2% sequentially from a 16.0mm run-rate last month.

Auto OEMs Plan To Flood Market With New Electric Car Models Despite Massive Losses

Auto OEMs Plan To Flood Market With New Electric Car Models Despite Massive Losses

Last month we noted that Tesla really outdid itself in 2Q 2017 by posting a record cash burn of $1.2 billion, or roughly $13 million every single day.  Per the chart below, Tesla's Q2 cash burn was just a continuation of the company's money-losing trend that goes back at least 6 years and seems to be getting worse with each passing quarter.

But Tesla isn't alone in burning cash on "EV's" as pretty much every electric vehicle offered to customers loses money on a per unit basis.

General Confirms "US Policy Is Not To Defend Canada" In The Event Of A Missile Attack

General Confirms "US Policy Is Not To Defend Canada" In The Event Of A Missile Attack

Authored by John Ivison via,

Participation in the ballistic missile defence program would be costly, but, amid nuclear threats, it appears Canada is no longer under the protective umbrella of the U.S.

Politicians approach most subjects with open mouths, but they are rarely at a loss for words.

That’s why the testimony at a House of Commons defence committee, specially convened to consider the thorny problem that is North Korea, was so memorable.
