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North America

Suddenly, "De-Dollarization" Is A Thing

Authored by John Rubino via,

For what seems like decades, other countries have been tiptoeing away from their dependence on the US dollar.

China, Russia, and India have cut deals in which they agree to accept each others’ currencies for bi-lateral trade while Europe, obviously, designed the euro to be a reserve asset and international medium of exchange.

These were challenges to the dollar’s dominance, but they weren’t mortal threats.

"Unprecedented Thefts" Force Baltimore Bike-Sharing Program To Suspend Operations

"Unprecedented Thefts" Force Baltimore Bike-Sharing Program To Suspend Operations

In 2016, the city of Baltimore partnered with Bewegen Technologies to launch North America’s largest electrical-assisted cycling (or pedelec) bike sharing program. The system is located in Baltimore’s metropolitan area with over 25 stations available. Fast forward one-year later, this grand "sharing economy" experiment in America’s most dangerous city has imploded due to what the company's CEO says is a level of theft he has never experienced before.

2,000 Years Of Economic History (In One Chart)

2,000 Years Of Economic History (In One Chart)

Long before the invention of modern day maps or gunpowder, the planet’s major powers were already duking it out for economic and geopolitical supremacy.

Today’s chart tells that story in the simplest terms possible. As Visual Capitalist's Jeff Desjardins notes, by showing the changing share of the global economy for each country from 1 AD until now, it compares economic productivity over a mind-boggling time period.

Remember Houston? On Repairing/Rebuilding 100,000+ Damaged Houses

Remember Houston? On Repairing/Rebuilding 100,000+ Damaged Houses

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Almost lost in all the dollar estimates of property damage is the human loss, suffering and stress.

I am not an expert in repairing flood damage, or in dealing with insurance companies, FEMA or all the other pieces that will go into homeowners getting the funding needed to repair or rebuild their homes.
