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The West Proves That Poland's Loyalty Was Worthless

The West Proves That Poland's Loyalty Was Worthless

Authored by Andrew Korybko via Oriental Review,

Poland, one of the most loyal EU members, was just stabbed in the back by Brussels after the bloc initiated punitive Article 7 proceedings against it, proving that Warsaw’s unwavering loyalty to the West was worthless this entire time and thus giving Poles a reason to reconsider whether it’s time that they attempted to restore their long-lost Great Power status in Europe.

Polexit Threat: EU Increasingly Upset About Poland Ignoring Rules

Polexit Threat: EU Increasingly Upset About Poland Ignoring Rules

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

The Polish government increasingly defies EU rules. Since Poland is the largest aid recipient, the EU is hopping mad. 

Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic are all in open defiance of EU migration rules.

In addition, Poland's Law & Justice party move to take control of the courts was condemned by the European Parliament and European Commission.
