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71% Of People In Poland Want To Ban Muslim Immigration

71% Of People In Poland Want To Ban Muslim Immigration

Authored by Martin Armstrong via,

The only way to protect Poland from Islamic terror attacks is to not allow Muslims to migrate en masse. That is now the view of 71% of the people.

This is becoming the major issue in Poland and is at its core dispute with Brussels. As a reminder, Poland recently followed Hungary's lead in corralling migrants...

Poland, Hungary Join Together To Challenge EU Bureaucracy

Submitted by Alex Gorka via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The rifts within the EU continue to widen as Poland and Hungary join together in opposition to the EU bureaucracy.

Soon after Poland’s ultra-conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party came to power in October 2015, the Polish parliament passed a law allowing the government to appoint the judges of its choosing to the highest court and not recognize those chosen by its predecessor, the liberal Civic Platform party.

Russia Declares ‘State Of Emergency’ Over U.S. Military Buildup

Russia has declared a state of emergency over the increasingly hostile U.S. military build-up in Poland, calling the presence a “threat to national security.” The Kremlin have expressed concern that the 2,700 troops arriving on their border as part of operation Atlantic Resolve is secretly intended to incite a nuclear war between Russia and the West. Yahoo News reports: The Kremlin, which has previously criticised NATO for its reinforcement in Eastern Europe, said on Thursday the deployment was an aggressive step along its borders.
