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NATO To Increase Military Presence On Russia’s Border

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced an upcoming “landmark summit” in Warsaw in early July which will enhance the alliance’s defensive and deterrent presence in Poland and and the rest of Eastern Europe. He said that several battalions will be deployed in Poland, the Baltic States and elsewhere in the region that will guarantee an increase in the presence of ground troops and equipment.

UK To Stockpile Tanks, Heavy Equipment Close To Russia's Border

UK To Stockpile Tanks, Heavy Equipment Close To Russia's Border

Following the May 12 launch of "Aegis Ashore", the operational name of Washington's European missile defense system based in Romania, which overnight swept away the tentative European nuclear arms race balance of power as it removed a Russian "first strike threat" thereby pressuring Russia to implement further nuclear offensive and defensive measures, Putin was livid, and as we reported yesterday, during his press conference with Greek PM Tsipras, the Russian president explicitly warned Poland and Romania that they are now in Russian first-strike crosshairs, and that Russia's most likely re

Is Soros Funding Another Movement To Destabilize A New Democratically Elected Government

Submitted by Matthew Tyrmand, originally posted in BL

Is Soros Funding An Agitprop Protest Movement to Destabilize Poland’s New Democratically Elected Government?

As I have written about at length in these pages; on October 25th the Polish people decisively elected a new government delivering the largest popular mandate in modern Polish history (the post-1989 period) to the right of center Law & Justice party (PiS- Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc).

EU Plans $290K Per Person Fine For Countries Refusing "Fair Share" Of Refugees; Angry Response Ensues

EU Plans $290K Per Person Fine For Countries Refusing "Fair Share" Of Refugees; Angry Response Ensues

As Norway offers cash for refugees to leave, announcing that they won't be accepting any more refugees from the EU, and Switzerland prepares its military to close down borders, the EU has seemingly had enough of every country acting as if it has any type of sovereignty left. The European Commission has announced that it is going to pull rank on everyone, and in Obama-like fashion, will be fining countries for not taking their fair share of refugees.
