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On Krugman’s Cherry-Picking Skills – Exhibit 1: The Clinton Boom

On Krugman’s Cherry-Picking Skills – Exhibit 1: The Clinton Boom

Paul Krugman, the New York Times columnist, after obliquely informing us of his acquaintance with a literary text, “Remembrance of Booms Past”, promptly forgets and cherry-picks the data. We learn that, under the watchful eye of Bill Clinton, the U.S. economy experienced an economic boom – a fact no one would deny. Krugman then takes a cheap shot at President Reagan, claiming that Reaganomics of the 1980s had nothing to do with setting the stage for the Clinton boom of the 1990s. This claim is debatable.

Brazilian Risk Assets Slammed After New President Suffers First Corruption Scandal Crisis

Brazilian Risk Assets Slammed After New President Suffers First Corruption Scandal Crisis

Back on May 12, when Brazil's disgraced president Dilma Rousseff was impeached in a move that according to her was a "coup" and a "farce", we said that "Brazil's problems are only just starting" because "if Brazil is indeed seeking to cleanse its corrupt political class, Temer is hardly the right guy to do it.

Anthony Wiener Calls Trump "F**kface Von Clownstick" As Bush Says Trump Supporters "Not A Bunch Of Idiots"

In a one-two punch that will likely only end up boosting Trump's approval rating as has been the case every time a member of the establishment, especially one as disgraced as Anthony Wiener, disparages the presumptive republican presidential nominee, yesterday morning Former Rep. Anthony Weiner also known as Carlos Danger, took a page from comedian Jon Stewart’s joke book, when the husband of Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin lashed out at Donald Trump calling the presumptive Republican presidential nominee "Fuckface Von Clownstick."

LGBT Totalitarian Kitsch

Did you see that terrible, horrible, hatey-hatey-hate-hate thing the House Republicans did? The Hill tells all. Excerpt:

The House floor devolved into chaos and shouting on Thursday as a measure to ensure protections for members of the LGBT community narrowly failed to pass, after Republican leaders urged their members to change their votes.

Initially, it appeared Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney’s (D-N.Y.) amendment had passed, as 217 “yes” votes piled up over 206 “no” votes when the clock ran out. The measure needed 213 votes to pass.
