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In Grotesque Irony Iran Warns Obama Not To Cross "Red Lines"

In Grotesque Irony Iran Warns Obama Not To Cross "Red Lines"

Last July, the United States entered into an agreement with Iran with the hopes of limiting their nuclear ability. At a high level, the US would lead the way in lifting oil and financial sanctions imposed due to Iran’s nuclear programs; in return Iran would reduce their stockpile of enriched uranium, storage facilities and centrifuges. What was not negotiated, however, were sanctions on missile technologies and conventional weapons.

Per the White House:


North Korea To Launch ‘Practice’ EMP Attack

Russian generals have previously warned the EMP Commission that a top-secret design for a super-EMP warhead was accidentally leaked to North Korea in 2004.  Now intelligence experts have warned that North Korea’s launch of the KSM-4 satellite on February 7 may be used to “practise” an EMP attack on the United States – potentially causing a blackout on the national grid, killing millions. reports: On Oct.

Anonymous Launch #OpIsrael Cyberattack Against Israel

Israel are preparing for an oncoming cyberattack by Anonymous on April 7th, as a group of anti-Israel hacktivists have vowed to cause major disruption across the country in their campaign #OpIsrael.  Israeli cybersecurity experts have said they are not concerned with the threat, claiming that the country is prepared for whatever the hacktivist group throws at them. reports: The attack has taken place every year on April 7since 2013 and was first launched on the eve of the Holocaust Remembrance Day with a stated goal of erasing Israel from the Internet.

NATO Paved The Way For ISIS To Take Palmyra

American author Daniel Lazare blames American action and inaction for the capture of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra last year, which was liberated recently by the Syrian Arab Army. Washington and its allies in the Middle East funneled arms to terror groups such as Daesh and al-Qaeda and later sat back and watched as Palmyra fell into the hands of their favorite Islamists. Western leaders and allies blamed president Assad for their shortcomings, repeating the mantra “Assad must go” while Palmyra was being beheaded and pulverized by terrorists.

ISIS Passport Found In Syria Leads Reporter To Russia

A Russian passport found among documents recovered from ISIS jihadis in Syria has led a reporter from Russia Today (RT) to a city in central Russia. Journalist Maria Finoshina uncovers the story of a man who gave away a good life and took his family to their apparent deaths in Syria’s jihadi badlands. Kurdish YPG fighters recently liberated the city of Hasakah in north eastern Syria from Islamic Stste/ISIS.
