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Full Metal Retard Part Deux: CIA-Backed Rebels Now At War With Pentagon-Armed Fighters In Syria's Aleppo

Full Metal Retard Part Deux: CIA-Backed Rebels Now At War With Pentagon-Armed Fighters In Syria's Aleppo

It would be difficult to find a program that better exemplifies the word “failure” than the Pentagon’s “train and equip” effort in Syria.

Last May, US Central Command issued a hilariously absurd press release outlining what was quite obviously going to be a disastrous effort to arm rebel fighters. “The US military and partner forces have begun training the initial class of appropriately vetted Syrian opposition recruits this week to support the effort to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL in Syria,” the PR read.

Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer

Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer

Submitted by Jacob Bojesson via,

Several European countries have erected fences to keep migrants out, and, according to the numbers, every case appears to have a large impact.

Hungary was a popular pathway for refugees on their way to Germany during the fall. When the daily illegal border crossings were at 7,000 per day, Prime Minister Viktor Orban decided to erect a fence along the border to Serbia and Croatia.

The result speaks for itself:

Brussels Terrorists Searching For Radioactive Isotopes For Dirty Bomb

An expert in nuclear security has told the a Russian news agency that the Brussels terrorists were probably searching for radioactive isotopes for dirty bomb production rather than planning a terrorist act at a nuclear power plant Tass reports: “The terrorist group that committed the terrorist acts in Paris and Brussels showed interest in the Belgian nuclear facilities most probably for the purpose of gaining access to highly radioactive isotopes for creating a radiological explosive device, the so-called dirty bomb, rather than exploding a nuclear power plant,” the expert said.
