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Hillary Accused Of Defrauding Arizona Voters, Investigation Ordered

Hillary Clinton has been accused of orchestrating voter fraud during Arizona’s Democratic primary vote on Tuesday, as thousands of voters have complained that their votes were unknowingly changed to independent – preventing them from voting for Democratic rival Bernie Sanders.  Authorities have announced an official investigation into claims that the Clinton campaign were part of a vote rigging scandal to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning the State. reports: One voter posted a picture with the following explanation, “Fraud in AZ? I am a long time registered Dem.

Recognize the Islamic State

Few would deny that the recent horrors in Brussels demand action, beginning, certainly, with a thoroughgoing purge of Belgian security and intelligence agencies. Other proposed remedies are shambolic, meaningless, or simply farcical, such as the idea of police patrolling “Muslim areas” in the U.S. (Which areas? Where? With what goal?) I would suggest, though, that one urgent priority is for the U.S. and its European allies to consider immediate political and diplomatic recognition of the Islamic State. Let me explain the grounds for that proposal.

Ireland’s Quiet Political Revolution

Once every four years my social media feed goes bananas; hundreds of colleagues in my native USA promise that the upcoming election will the most important moment in history, the last chance to fulfill our promise as leaders of the planet or save ourselves from sliding into totalitarian darkness. This time around I know people who have supported Trump, Rubio, Paul, Cruz, Carson, Clinton, Sanders, and Stein, with every fan base seeing themselves as hobbits standing up to Sauron.
