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Rubio's Failure: How Our Broken Economy Fuels Voter Rage

Submitted by Hunter Lewis via The Mises Institute,

Rubio post-mortems miss the point. In the end, it is just more fall-out from crony capitalism.

None of the post-mortems of Rubio’s campaign I have seen mention the real reason why the young senator, so articulate, so successful, recently touted as the future of his party, never got launch speed in his campaign for the presidency. It is actually Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY)’s handiwork, aided and abetted by Rubio’s misjudgment.

Who Would Be Better Fighting Terror: Trump or Clinton?

Trump and Clinton both claim they’re the better candidate for stopping terrorism.

Let’s fact-check their statements and their records …


Hillary Clinton is largely responsible for regime change in Libya (for oil and gold?), the war in Syria (to help Israel?), violence in Honduras, and the entire concept of “humanitarian war”.

Clinton is largely responsible for the West’s backing of Al Qaeda and other Islamic terror groups, to act as the tip of the spear in fomenting regime change throughout the Middle East.

After Watching Baseball Game In Cuba, Obama Orders U.S. Flags At Half-Staff "Out Of Respect" For Brussels Victims

After Watching Baseball Game In Cuba, Obama Orders U.S. Flags At Half-Staff "Out Of Respect" For Brussels Victims

When president Obama spoke in Cuba earlier today, he dedicated about one minute to address today's tragic events in Europe. He then spent the next several hours attending a baseball exhibition game in Cuba between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Cuban National Team. 

Perhaps responding to some righteous public indignation, this is how Obama explained his decision to disregard what is happening in Europe, and to enjoy himself while chaos and tragedy reigned across the Atlantic:

As Korean Tensions Rise, S. Korea Creates New “Attack” Army Unit

With tensions between North and South Korea hitting what many believe to be critical mass, South Korea has done something both symbolic and effective, if needed. The IB Times report that a Seoul military official has confirmed that The South Korean Marine Corps has formed a new mobile unit  to attack N. Korea “in case of contingency”.
