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President Obama Addresses Cuban Freedom & Belgian Martial Law - Live Feed

Following yesterday's awkward press conference, democracy-enforcing President Obama is set to address the Cuban people (living under a dictatorship). We are sure the Nobel-peace-prize winner will offer hope for 'freedom', suggest 'change' is coming, and downplay any fiction-peddlers. Of course, given the atrocities in Belgium we assume he will also address the lockdown and removal of personal freedom underway in Brussels also.


Live feed (Obama is due to speak at 1010ET)...

Wipeout — Then A Reformed GOP?

Joel Kotkin bids farewell to the Republican Party. Excerpts:

Against weak and squabbling opposition, Trump has employed his crude persona, and equally crude politics, to dominate the primaries to date. But in the process he has broken not only the party structure, but also its spirit. Indeed, some of the party’s most promising emerging leaders, such as Nebraska U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse, have made it clear they cannot support a candidate who seems to have little respect for the Constitution, or any other cherished principle.

Wikileaks Email Dump Reveals Clinton Ties To Occultist Group

The latest Wikileaks classified email dump has exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the establishment with occultist beliefs. Hillary Clinton is so deeply entrenched in the elite New World Order establishment that she even bows down to Moloch, the same occultist god they perform human sacrifice rituals for at the annual Bohemian Grove meetings.

Trump’s Republican Support Continues to Grow

Rod Dreher points to the findings in the latest NYT/CBS News poll, noting that Trump is tightening his hold on the GOP. 46% support Trump nationally, which is equal to the support for the other two candidates put together. Compared to last month’s survey, Trump has gained 11 points and expanded his lead over Cruz to 20. (A combined 72% of Republican primary voters support candidates loathed by the party leadership.) Trump’s support has continued to grow, which was always likely to happen as he won more contests and more candidates dropped out.
