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FBI Cancels Encryption Showdown With Apple After "3rd Party" Showed Them How To Unlock iPhone

FBI Cancels Encryption Showdown With Apple After "3rd Party" Showed Them How To Unlock iPhone

Following a mysterious "third party"'s willingness to show The FBI how to unlock San Bernardino killer Farook's iPhone, court records indicate that the US government wishes to cancel tomorrow's showdown with Apple, filing a motion to vacate the hearing.

Hours after Tim Cook explcitly told the world (marketed) his firm would never sell out their privacy...


The US government filed a motion on Monday to vacate Tuesday’s hearing against Apple.

Jewish State Happy For Kurds To Have Their Own State

Israeli politicians including Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu would be happy if the Kurds in the Middle East carved out a State of their own. The Israelis are not shy about supporting a Kurdish State although the countries where the Kurds live- Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey, strongly oppose the idea. Sputnik reports: Surprising as it may seem, Israel has long promoted cordial relations with the Kurds, particularly the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq (KRG).

The (Mis)Uses Of Disorder

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

Many thoughtful and patriotic citizens entering the Kubler-Ross free-fire zone of desperate bargaining with reality are at work attempting to chart an orderly course around the Godzilla-like figure of Trump looming outside the desecrated once-shining city of American democracy. I doubt there is such an orderly way through this political bad weather. When storms hit, things break up.

Clinton Says American Leaders Need To Show Loyalty To Israel

In a speech to the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC ), Hillary Clinton said that that American leaders needed to show loyalty to Israel and “anyone who doesn’t understand that has no business being our president.” Her criticism was aimed at Republican rival Donald Trump who is said to have a “neutral” stance on Israel. “America can’t ever be neutral when it comes to Israel’s security or survival,” she said.
