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President Assad Announces April Parliamentary Elections In Syria

President Bashar Assad has announced that the parliamentary elections in Syria will be held on April 13, 2016. The announcement was made via an official statement released on Monday by Syria’s presidential office. It  came just hours after Russia and the US issued a joint statement on cessation of hostilities in this country. The ceasefire is due to take effect at midnight on February 27th. Their statement said the truce did not include ISIS and the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front.

Recipe For Civil War - Between The Loathsome & The Unspeakable

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

How reassuring is it to Hillary, exactly, that she won what amounted to a straw poll totaling less than 11,000 votes among the various Nevada hotel employees unions? You could tell from her pained, artificial smile at the victory podium that there is something booby prize-ish about that narrow triumph. And what was with the metallic red outfit that had her looking like a previously-owned Christmas tree ornament? Maybe her handlers put her in Kevlar for the occasion.
