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News Censor Footage Of Bill Clinton Being Asked About Rape Claims

An MSNBC news report edited out footage of a Daily Caller reporter confronting Bill Clinton on Juanita Broaddrick’s claims that Clinton had raped her.  The Thursday afternoon broadcast featured the exchange between Bill Clinton and the reporter in its entirety during an earlier segment. Clinton was asked about Broaddrick in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, following a speech he gave in support of his wife’s presidential campaign. reports: The reporter, according to the Daily Caller, was its own Kerry Picket.

Iran: The Saudi Collapse Is Coming

A senior Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards in Iran has said that Saudi Arabia is on the brink of collapse following the execution of prominent Shiite cleric Nimr Baqir al-Nimr.  General Hossein Salami warned on Friday that “The Al Saud will collapse in the near future if it keeps on its sectarian policies in the region,” adding that the “Saudi rulers will be buried under the avalanche that they have created”.

The Bizarre Need to Take Sides and Our Foreign Policy Debates

Paul Pillar makes the case against taking either side in the Saudi-Iranian rivalry:

It would be just as much of a mistake for the United States to tilt in favor of Iran in this conflict as it is to tilt in favor of Saudi Arabia. Taking either side in this rivalry, as with many other international rivalries, entails several disadvantages for the United States.

Protest Outside Saudi Embassy Demanding Release Of Raif Badawi

Hundreds of activists and Human rights groups have gathered outside the Saudi embassy in London, demanding the release of Raif Badawi and his jailed lawyer. They are handing over a petition signed by 250,000 people, calling for the release of the jailed activist and blogger in Saudi Arabia RT reports: Marking one year since the 31-year-old was lashed 50 times in a public square in Jeddah, protesters will also hand over a separate petition demanding the release of his lawyer, who was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for attempting to set up a human rights monitoring website.
