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Watch Live: House Votes On Tax-Reform Plan

Following a pep talk by President Donald Trump that went swimmingly according to media accounts, House Republicans are preparing to vote on their version of a tax-reform package that will slash the corporate tax rate, cut taxes for individuals and reduce the number of tax brackets.

House Republican leaders say they have the 217 votes needed to pass the bill - but seeing as the Trump era has seen its fair share of legislative upsets, the vote isn't over until it's over.

Watch live here:

Warning: One of These Monopolies is Going to Control You

Via The Daily Bell

Why are governments so interested in breaking up monopolies? To protect the biggest monopoly of all, the government.

The American people are skilled mental gymnasts. They can totally agree that monopolies in the private sector are bad. But monopolies on defense, law enforcement, courts, education, roads, and so on are perfectly fine, even necessary!

Merkel Facing "Night Of The Long Knives" On Coalition Talks

Merkel Facing "Night Of The Long Knives" On Coalition Talks

In October, Merkel won what was dubbed as the “nightmare victory” in the German elections. The weaker expected showing from the CDU/CSU forced her into complicated coalition negotiations with the FPD and the Greens. This process is coming to a head due to tomorrow’s self-imposed deadline to find enough common ground to press forward with the alliance. This alliance is the so-called “Jamaica” coalition since the colours of the parties mirror Jamaica’s flag. As Reuters reports.
