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Republican Party

In "Foregone Conclusion," Bookies Pay Out Trump Bets Early

In "Foregone Conclusion," Bookies Pay Out Trump Bets Early

On Tuesday, Donald Trump “schlonged” the GOP field.

After what amounted to a series of truly epic wins on the heels of a “disappointing” showing in Iowa, the GOP frontrunner stormed to victory last night, sweeping seven states and serving notice that the “protest vote”- at least on the GOP ticket - is not only alive and well, but is ascendant.

Although establishment candidate Marco Rubio and the good-natured John Kasich feigned confidence, it’s likely game over.

Trump The ‘Fraud’

Though we’ve never actually met, I consider Michael Brendan Dougherty a friend and fellow traveler. I think he has written a very important column about the Trump phenomenon, one that’s especially so because he’s a paleocon who doesn’t have much use for the Republican Party. Excerpt:

The Birth of a New Party

The first four Republican contests—Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada—produced record turnouts.

While the prospect of routing Hillary Clinton and recapturing the White House brought out the true believers, it was Donald Trump’s name on the ballot and his calls for economic patriotism, border security, and an end to imperial wars that brought out the throngs.

The crowds that continue to come out for his appearances and the vast audiences he has attracted to GOP debates testify to his drawing power.
