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Hillary Clinton: "The Right Is Afraid Of Me Because I Don't Die"

Hillary Clinton: "The Right Is Afraid Of Me Because I Don't Die"

After recovering from another coughing fit...

Hillary Clinton's so-called commencement speech turned into a political rant as she lobbed implicit impeachment jabs at President Trump over his Comey dismissal...

Jared Kushner "Under FBI Scrutiny" In Russia Probe: NBC

Update:  Just like last week's bombshells, the Washington Post managed to publish an almost identical confirmation of NBC's story within minutes...almost like they coordinated...

And, just like NBC, the Washington Post was careful to hedge their salacious title (though multiple paragraphs down in the body of the article) by pointing out that Kushner is not technically a "target" in the investigation and has not been accused of any wrongdoing.
