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Swedish Police Pelted With Rocks While Arresting Terror Suspect In Migrant "No-Go Zone"

Swedish Police Pelted With Rocks While Arresting Terror Suspect In Migrant "No-Go Zone"

On Friday, Sweden became the latest European target of terrorism after a man plowed a hijacked beer delivery truck into a crowd in central Stockholm, killing five people and wounding more than a dozen (we covered the situation here:  "Swedish Police In Manhunt For Terrorist Truck Driver Who Killed Five").

Soros-Linked "Undesirable NGOs" Fund ISIS-linked Refugee Boats To EU

Soros-Linked "Undesirable NGOs" Fund ISIS-linked Refugee Boats To EU

Authored by William Engdahl,


Investigations by Italian authorities and others have found that NGOs funded by among others George Soros, are actively financing private ships to smuggle tens of thousands of illegal North African refugees into the EU via Southern Italy. The human trafficking is reportedly linked to ISIS smuggling networks. If confirmed by authorities, it could potentially open the NGOs to criminal charges .
