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And Europe's Best-Performing Bond Market In 2017 Is...

And Europe's Best-Performing Bond Market In 2017 Is...

Greeks are working longer for less pay, suffering from depression and committing suicide at a record pace, and seeing a mass exodus of young talented workers amid continued capital controls and pension cuts.

So it should be no surprise that Greek government bonds are being bought with both hands and feet by global investors reaching for yield, sparking GGBs to a return of almost 17% year-to-date - the best across Europe - even as concerns linger about the sustainability of Greece’s economic recovery once the current rescue program ends in 2018. 

Why Germans Voted For The Far-Right 'AfD'

Why Germans Voted For The Far-Right 'AfD'

The main headline from the German election yesterday is not Angela Merkel getting a fourth term in charge, but rather her party's weakened position - caused chiefly by a surge in support for the right wing nationalist party 'Alternative für Deutschland' (AfD).

The AfD is a controversial party - one which not only ran on a program of anti-immigration and anti-Muslim policies, but one which is at least in part represented by people who have expressed racist and xenophobic views.

Series Of Videos Reveal That ESPN's Transition To MSNBC-Lite Is Now Complete

We should have known the moment that their Asian announcer, Robert Lee (did we mention he's Asian), got pulled from the William and Mary vs. University of Virginia college football game last month for having the same name as a Confederate General that ESPN's transition from sports commentary to 'MSNBC-Lite' was inevitable.  Now, just one month after that fateful decision, it appears that ESPN's metamorphosis is complete.

These Maps Explain Who Really Caused Hillary's Loss (Hint: It Wasn't Angry, Sexist, Xenophobic, White Men)

These Maps Explain Who Really Caused Hillary's Loss (Hint: It Wasn't Angry, Sexist, Xenophobic, White Men)

Ever since election day Hillary and her former minions have attempted to reinforce a narrative that some combination of Russian hackers, James Comey and angry, sexist, xenophobic, white men were the cause of here staggering defeat in November 2016.  That said, a new study highlighted by the Washington Post (of all places) today, confirms that it very well could have been black voters that ultimately crushed Hillary's chances at the White House and not so much a sudden onset of racism.

Jim Kunstler On "The Devastating Effect Of 'Multiculturalism'"

Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,

There’s a lot to complain about in this deranged republic - if it even still is one - but the burdens of being a multimillionaire football player would not be at the top of my list.

Personally, I find it a little peculiar that we have to play the national anthem before any sporting event. All it really shows is how insecure we are as a nation that we have to display our love of country in this obsessive manner.
