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Social Issues

Even Bernie Sanders Thinks "Medicare For All" Would Bankrupt America

Even Bernie Sanders has acknowledged that the federal government couldn't afford to provide health care to all of its citizens.

In a video clip from 1987 that was discovered by the Washington Free Beacon, then-Burlington Mayor Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) admitted that “giving everybody a Medicaid card” would “bankrupt the nation.”

“You want to guarantee that all people have access to health care as you do in Canada," Sanders said.


Google Also Allowed Advertisers To Buy Racist Keywords Like "Why Do Black People Ruin Neighborhoods"

Google Also Allowed Advertisers To Buy Racist Keywords Like "Why Do Black People Ruin Neighborhoods"

Ever since failing miserably in their efforts to appoint Hillary Clinton to her rightful throne in the Oval Office, Silicon Valley's biggest tech titans have come under relentless attack from disappointed liberal politicians in DC and their primary propaganda distribution platforms, the mainstream media.

Are "Social Justice Warrior Trustees" Accelerating America's Pension Collapse? (Hint: Yes)

Are "Social Justice Warrior Trustees" Accelerating America's Pension Collapse? (Hint: Yes)

A few days ago we highlighted the reckless efforts of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to force their city's pension managers to ignore their fiduciary duties and dump nearly $500 million worth of energy stocks.  Of course, the pressure to sell had nothing to do with financial projections, trading multiples or discounted cash flow analyses but rather was a blatant and irresponsible attempt to push the board's political agenda irrespective of the ultimate financial consequences such actions might have to pensioners and tax payers (see: What Fiduciary Duty?
