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The Bears Are Dying: Even Bob Janjuah Turns (Somewhat) Bullish

For evidence that the market bears are all but extinct look no further than the latest letter from erstwhile bear Bob Janjuah, in which the Nomura strategist throws in the towel in a near-term correction and predicts that "the trends over H1 2017 should be higher (especially US) equities and yields, steeper curves, a stronger USD, and mixed performance in credit (especially in the IG sphere) and EM.

The Most Hated Asset On The Planet

The Most Hated Asset On The Planet

Submitted by Kevin Muir via,

Last year at this time markets were grappling with the Fed’s first rate hike in almost a decade. Although many optimists were confident the economy was plenty strong enough to handle the increase in rates, within days it was obvious they were sorely mistaken.

Fast forward to today. With the election of Trump, there is even more optimism filling the air.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand all the reasons to be bullish.
