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Russian Nuclear Ballistic Missile "Iskander" Spotted In Syria

Russian Nuclear Ballistic Missile "Iskander" Spotted In Syria

There was much surprise in geopolitical circles several weeks ago when, completely out of the blue, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced he would begin withdrawing military forces from Syria at once, a move hailed by some as confirmation Russia had failed to achieve its goals in the civil war-ridden nation which serves as a hotbed of ISIS terrorist attacks around the globe, and by others as victory.

Full Metal Retard Part Deux: CIA-Backed Rebels Now At War With Pentagon-Armed Fighters In Syria's Aleppo

Full Metal Retard Part Deux: CIA-Backed Rebels Now At War With Pentagon-Armed Fighters In Syria's Aleppo

It would be difficult to find a program that better exemplifies the word “failure” than the Pentagon’s “train and equip” effort in Syria.

Last May, US Central Command issued a hilariously absurd press release outlining what was quite obviously going to be a disastrous effort to arm rebel fighters. “The US military and partner forces have begun training the initial class of appropriately vetted Syrian opposition recruits this week to support the effort to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL in Syria,” the PR read.

Brussels Suicide Bomber: “Model Student” At Catholic School

Najim Laachraoui, one of the alleged Brussels suicide bombers, was, according to the director of the Catholic high school he attended, a “model student”. Laachraoui was also a “veteran” Islamist fighter in Syria and is suspected of creating the explosive bomb belts that contributed to November’s Paris attacks, the Times of India reports: Security sources told local media that Laachraoui, a 25-year-old Belgian, was one of Tuesday’s airport suicide bombers, identifying him as one of the three men in the CCTV image released by police.

ISIS Documents Discovered Proving Illegal Oil Trade With Turkey

A Russian documentary crew have uncovered damning evidence proving that Turkish government colluded with ISIS in purchasing their oil – funding the terror organisation and providing logistical support for the group to overthrow President Assad in Syria.  Documents obtained by Russia Today suggests that ISIS’ biggest sponsor is Turkey. reports: Shortly after the outbreak of the Syrian war, IS became a game-changer in Iraq and, in particular, Syria.
