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Wayback Machine Announces Move To Canada Out Of Fear Of Trump Censorship

Wayback Machine Announces Move To Canada Out Of Fear Of Trump Censorship

Before November 8th a whole host of celebrities vowed to leave the United States if Trump won the presidency (see "These Are The Celebrities Who Vowed To Leave America If Trump Wins").  As far as we know, George Lopez is the only one to subsequently confirm that he will actually be leaving the country despite numerous offers of free private planes and chefs to Lena Dunham to follow through on her pledge...unfortunately she still hasn't taken the bait.

Facebook Staff Quit Amid Unprecedented ‘Alt Media’ Censorship

Facebook’s war on so-called “fake news” has resulted in a number of staff walking out and quitting the social media giant in disgust, according to the New York Times.  As social media giants such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Google crackdown on free speech, employees have begun speaking out against the sneaky tactics being employed to rid the internet of diversity. According to engineers, Facebook have begun tweaking their algorithm to blacklist many alternative media websites that question establishment views.

Online Porn Banned In UK As Digital Economy Bill Passes

The House of Common has passed a Bill that effectively bans porn in the United Kingdom, requiring users to register before viewing anything deemed ‘adult’.  The Orwellian new rules will prohibit most sex acts from being depicted in videos and pictures online, and any other type of sex will require strict age verification before they are shown to the user. The Digital Economy Bill has been criticized as making the internet in the UK more restricted than China.

Britain’s Draconian Surveillance Bill Becomes Law

Britain’s intelligence agencies and police have been given unprecedented levels of power regarding the surveillance of its citizens after the Investigatory Powers Act, dubbed the ‘snooper’s charter’ officially become law. The Bill was given royal assent on Tuesday, meaning that the government’s sweeping surveillance rules will now pass into law in 2017. The new surveillance law requires web and phone companies to store everyone’s web browsing histories for 12 months and give the police, security services and official agencies unprecedented access to the data.
