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This Is Where US Adults Get Their News From

This Is Where US Adults Get Their News From

As social media continues to become a larger part of many people's everyday lives, it's not surprising to see that users are now more than ever getting news from the social media platforms.

A survey by Pew Research found that 62% of US adults get their news on social media, which is up from 49% reported in 2012. Of the 62%, 18% responded that they often get news from social media, 26% said sometimes, and 18% said hardly ever.


Kim Jong-un Launches North Korean Version of Facebook

Kim Jong-un has launched the North Korean version of Facebook, creating a clone of the social media platform for citizens to freely use.  An anonymous engineer created the platform as a means of giving people in North Korea the ability to keep in touch with friends and family in a country where many websites, including Facebook, are censored. reports: Based on media reports we gathered, this new social media launched in North Korea looks exactly like Facebook. It has been named the Best Korea’s Social Network.
