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United States

Washington "Promotes Regional Stability" With War Games In Russia's Back Yard

Around 350 troops from six countries (US, UK, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, and Serbia) are taking part in a military drill entitled 'Platinum Eagle 16.1', which is scheduled to conclude today according to RT. 

The exercise comes less than a week after the US launched its European missile defense system in Romania, much to the ire of Russia.

Peter Schiff On Trump's "Realism" & Krugman's "Scruples"

Peter Schiff On Trump's "Realism" & Krugman's "Scruples"

Authored by Peter Schiff via Euro Pacific Capital,

During a lengthy interview on CNBC the week before last, Donald Trump, fresh from becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, came as close as any major presidential contender ever has to saying that America is not capable of repaying her debts in full, and that our path to economic recovery might involve some pain for our creditors. This moment of candor earned Trump almost as much condemnation as his earlier suggestions to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

In Unexpected Twist, Saudi Arabia Was Buying US Treasuries Over Past Year

In Unexpected Twist, Saudi Arabia Was Buying US Treasuries Over Past Year

As reported earlier after decades of keeping Saudi Arabian holdings of treasury paper non-public and bundled with those of other "oil exporting nations", today at 4pm for the first time the US Treasury confirmed that its "leaked" look at Saudi holdings, exposed as a result of a Bloomberg FOIA, was accurate when it reported that the Saudis owned $116.8 billion in US paper as of March 31, which made the country the 13th largest holder of US Treasurys.

