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US Treasury Department

The Ultimate Regulatory Reform: Abolish Fractional Reserve Banking!

The Ultimate Regulatory Reform: Abolish Fractional Reserve Banking!

Authored by Antonius Aquinas,

The Trump Administration has presented the first part of its plan to overhaul a number of Wall Street financial regulations, many of which were enacted in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.  The report is in response to Executive Order 13772 in which the US Treasury Department is to provide findings “examining the United States’ financial regulatory system and detailing executive actions and regulatory changes that can be immediately undertaken to provide much-needed relief.”

Putin Asks US To Prove ‘Corrupt’ Allegations

Russia have demanded that the US Treasury Department backup their claims that President Putin is “corrupt” by providing evidence.  Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov has accused the US government of making up the accusations saying that “none of these questions require an answer, because they are pure fiction“. reports: Earlier, Adam Szubin, the officer in charge of sanctions at the US Treasury Department suggested that the Russian president was enriching his friends and close allies while marginalizing those whom he does not consider his friends.