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French Government Wants To Extend Martial Law

The French government have announced plans to extend the state of emergency currently implemented across France, meaning the country faces remaining in a state of martial law for the foreseeable future.  Following the Paris terror attacks last year, a temporary state of emergency was declared that allowed authorities new police-state powers, putting the nation on virtual lockdown. The new powers include allowing authorities to detain people without trial, search homes without a warrant, and block websites that authorities believe to be a problem.

Russia Accuses Turkey Of Allowing Terrorists Through Their Borders

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused Turkey of allowing known terrorists to cross their borders into the Middle east and Northern Africa to join extremist groups such as ISIS.  According to Lavrov Ankara rarely detains or hands over Russians who travel through Turkey to terrorist organisations. “Russia has emphasized time and time again its concern over the growing terrorist threats in Turkey and the lack of preparedness of the Turkish authorities to cooperate in the fight against terrorism.

Saudi Arabia Ready To Send Ground Forces To Syria

A spokesperson for the Saudi Arabian military has announced that the Kingdom is ready to send ground forces to Syria to fight ISIS under a US-led coalition, if requested. Sputnik reports: “The kingdom is ready to participate in any ground operations that the coalition (against Islamic State) may agree to carry out in Syria,” Brigadier General Ahmed Asseri told al-Arabiya TV. Asseri is also the spokesman for the Saudi-led Arab coalition in Yemen.
