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The Neoconservatives Are Brewing A Wider War In Syria — Paul Craig Roberts

The Neoconservatives Are Brewing A Wider War In Syria

Paul Craig Roberts

While you are enjoying your Sunday, the insane neoconservatives who control Western foreign policy and their Turkish and Saudi Arabian vassals might be preparing the end of the world.

Any person who relies on Western media has no accurate idea of what is happening in Syria.
I will provide a brief summary and then send you to two detailed accounts.

China Urges US Not To Deploy THAAD Missile System In Korea

Beijing has urged Washington not to deploy its THAAD missile system to the Korean Peninsula, saying it could also be used to target China. Wang Yi , the Chinese foreign minister said on Friday that his country has urged the United States to refrain from the deployment to South Korea. He said: “The facts are clear. The deployment of the THAAD system by the United States … goes far beyond the defense need of the Korean Peninsula and the coverage would mean it will reach deep into the Asian continent….

Minister: Washington Is Prepping For Military Strike Against Russia

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Sergei Ryabkov, has said that Washington is preparing to launch a global military strike soon.  The U.S. is deliberately destabilising relations with Russia, according to Ryabkov, by creating a  global missile defense system, and continuing to develop tools capable of inflicting a disarming strike without using nuclear weapons .

ACLU Pries Torture Photos Out Of Washington

ACLU Pries Torture Photos Out Of Washington
support the ACLU

As of time of writing, websites, and certainly not presstitute media sites, have not posted the photos of strictly illegal torture, both under US law and International law, carried out by the criminal George W. Bush regime, most likely under the orders of the criminal VP Dick Cheney, spokesman for the crazed neoconservatives whose insanity threatens the world with nuclear armageddon.
