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Yemen Rebels Claim They Fired Missile At Abu Dhabi Nuclear Plant

Yemen Rebels Claim They Fired Missile At Abu Dhabi Nuclear Plant

Two days after Israel reportedly destroyed an alleged Iranian airbase in the city of al-Qiswa near Damascus in Syria, Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed they fired a cruise missile toward the $20 bilion Barakh nuclear power plant in Abu Dhabi in the UAE (which is still under construction) which "successfully hit its target", the group’s television service said on its website Sunday, however without providing evidence.

Saudis Intercept Ballistic Missile Fired From Yemen

It's deja vu all over again in Saudi Arabia. Al Arabiya reports that a ballistic missile from Yemen has been intercepted on Thursday by Saudi air defense forces in southern city of Khamis Mushait in the south western province of Assir.

The missile attack is the second this month since the November 4 missile intercepted near King khalid International Airport in Riyadh.

Notably, Huthi TV is claiming that the missile "hit the target"...

Saudi Coalition Crumbles In Yemen: Sudanese Mercenaries On Front Lines, Foreign Officers, Proxies In Revolt

Saudi Coalition Crumbles In Yemen: Sudanese Mercenaries On Front Lines, Foreign Officers, Proxies In Revolt

Most Americans might be forgiven for having no clue what the war in Yemen actually looks like, especially as Western media has spent at least the first two years of the conflict completely ignoring the mass atrocities taking place while white-washing the Saudi coalition's crimes.
