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Anti-Russia Hysteria Whipped Up To Apocalyptic Levels By BBC

Once again, Russia is being portrayed as the evil bad guys who frequently play opposite the good guys in the form of the peace loving NATO nations. A new BBC program features Moscow initiating an invasion on Latvia followed up with a nuclear strike on Britain. In the fictional scenario, which the BBC said was “developed over many months of research and in consultation with military, diplomatic and political experts around the world,”  so-called pro-Kremlin separatists have taken over dozens of towns on the Russian-Latvian border, with Moscow then invading the NATO member state to support them. As American writer and journalist Robert Bridge notes, the program has arrived just in time for the military-industrial shopping season. In an op-edge for RT he writes: Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has failed Western analysts and political pundits in spectacular fashion. Despite a full-court effort to portray Russia as a barbaric, land-grabbing nation obsessed with the idea of restoring imperial real estate, Russia has stubbornly refused to play along. Why, even dangling the fat bait of Ukraine before Russia’s nose could not get Moscow to react the way NATO had hoped it would. In fact, while NATO has been hot [...]