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CIA Troll Food - 10 ways to spot a Russian Spy

The CIA is using an army of internet Trolls as a form of PsyOps in the information war that's raging since the loss of their establishment candidate.  Here's a pocket guide how to spot a *real* Russian spy (not the CIA trained 'fake spies' pretending to be Russian Spies')

Now that Putin has officially communicated with Trump in typical elegant communique fashion (contrary to popular belief, Putin’s role in Russia is more of international statesman than domestic dictator), the anti-Russian propaganda machine is in overdrive, re-tasking all available resources for this one purpose: drive a wedge as deep as possible in the new power paradigm coming to DC by maxing out on the existing percentage of controlled zombie consumers that can be remotely manipulated via TV & internet media.  The coup failed, which should be a shame for the CIA considering the amount of successful coups that have been engineered in foreign countries, but now it’s time to maximize the ground taken, even if small, in the war for minds that has been established as a base foothold (they read Sun Tzu, too).  It’s time for the establishment to retreat into their bunkers and behind their defense lines; for soon they will lose their power in the richest most powerful country in the world.

Although Russia and America are 2 superpowers with much in common, 80 years of Soviet rule changed Russian culture and the gene pool more than any other part of the Caucasian world.  By the way, the ‘Caucasian’ race is named for the ‘Caucus’ mountains from which they came, which are in Russia.  The Russians made the only real successful social revolution against their Elite aristocratic overlords; the Romanovs.  Although it’s a lot less publicized than similar revolutions in France and other places, it was in fact the only such revolution in a major country that resulted in 80 years of real social change – for better or worse.  In France, the outcome of the French Revolution was the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte; in America – after a period of relative independence and freedom, America would once again be dominated by the oppressor class from which it fought to be free from.  And Russia seems to have the same fate now; after 80 years of something different, the rise of Capitalism and the oligarch class is leading Russia down a path not much different from America’s, just a few decades behind.

If you're not aware of how the CIA is controlling the internet to manipulate the population, checkout a few reference articles:

Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media | Technology | The Guardian

CIA Agents To Troll Alternative Media Sites In Huge Propaganda Program - Your News Wire

Yes, There Are Paid Government Trolls On Social Media, Blogs, Forums And Websites » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Government Trolls Are Using "Psychology-Based Influence Techniques" On YouTube, Facebook And Twitter | Zero Hedge * BEST RECOMMENDED

For a pocket guide to make you a global political Genius, checkout Splitting Pennies for only $6.11 on Amazon Kindle.  If you just want to profit from people's lack of understanding of how the world works, checkout Alpha Z Advisors Managed Accounts Program and Alternative Investment fund for QEPs.

Here’s 10 ways to spot a *real* Russian Spy in America:

1) Superior use of the English language, with a thick accent, failure to use articles such as ‘the’ and ‘a’ – such as ‘take shower’ instead of ‘going to take a shower.’  Russian Language is far more complex but more logical and efficient in use of letters, speech, and writing.  Russian natives who master English typically have a large vocabulary, and will use proper tenses and complex grammatical structures because they studied it, and will likely leave out slang such as ‘you know’ and ‘like.’  (Until of course, they live here for 10 years)

2) Never smiling.  Russians do not smile unless they are laughing at a joke, and maybe in some rare cases when something funny happens.  Even in this case, their dark sense of humor is something they enjoy on the inside.  It’s not polite to walk around Moscow smiling.  If you do, someone may call the police (as if you have gone mad).

3) Seems to be rude – never says ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ – Russians do not have a concept of why you should say ‘thank you’ to a stranger who just took $50 from you for your groceries.  How has this person really helped you or brightened your day?  Isn’t it their job?  Should you say ‘thank you for doing your job’ as if it’s a miracle?  

4) Does not wear shoes in his home, he has a foyer where when he enters his house takes off all coats, scarves, hats, shoes and other ‘outdoor’ wear and puts on fuzzy house slippers or just wears socks.  

5) Constantly pays with physical cash.  Although some Americans do this anyway who are not necessarily Russian – nearly ALL Russians use 100% physical Rubles for everything from paying rent, health insurance, doctors visits, buying a car, buying groceries, or investing.  The electronic economy hasn’t taken hold in Russia – and partly because they are ‘paranoid’ that if they put their money in a bank, the bank will seize it or bankrupt.  

6) Never will open a door for a stranger, or move out of the way if you are in his walking vector, in fact he may knock over any passersby like bowling pins if they are in the way; and certainly will never say ‘excuse me.’ 

7) Always well dressed, even to go grocery shopping – maybe keeps a pocket comb even if his hair is only 2 cm long.  Russians don’t have a concept of wearing sweat suits or pajamas to the grocery store.  When they go out even if just to run to the corner store for a milk.

8) Weary to use air conditioner.  In Russia very few buildings have A/C – in the summer months when it’s hot, it is still cool at night, when most open windows and enjoy a nice breeze.  Modern buildings of course have the conveniences of A/C but those who are older or who grew up in older buildings do not have A/C – only heat.  Therefore, they aren’t used to cranking up the A/C year round like the blue hairs in Sunny Florida.  If they are hot they are more likely to take a walk or open the windows.

9) Not likely to find Russians in paid public events unless they are formal.  Russia has a well-developed public system of parks and other free public use systems and they aren’t used to paying a few dollars to enter a public park, see Christmas lights, or $1 to view through binoculars along side the highway.  Paying $250 for theater tickets is different – they aren’t cheap people, they are just not used to being nickeled and dimed when outside their homes, because in Russia it’s all free.

10) Strange tippers.  In Russia they don’t use the ‘tipping’ system, if you eat in a café or bar you may leave your spare change for example, if the bill is $9.50 you may leave the additional $.50 – or if you have a few extra dollars you may leave it – or not.  The majority of cafes, restaurants, bars, and other establishments only expect tips from tourists.  And if a Russian does leave a tip, it’s likely to be very small (not 10%!!).

There you have it!  There are many cultural differences between USA and Russia, although there are too many similarities.  In this series of articles, we’re spreading the facts about Russia – the great unknown Bear.

Putin and Trump will certainly bring USA-Russia relations to a 'qualitatively' new level.

For a pocket guide to make you a global political Genius, checkout Splitting Pennies for only $6.11 on Amazon Kindle.  If you just want to profit from people's lack of understanding of how the world works, checkout Alpha Z Advisors Managed Accounts Program and Alternative Investment fund for QEPs.