Even the most casual reader of alternative news and theories has come across information about a so-called “Planet X“, or as it is more popularly known in New Age circles, “Planet Nibiru”. The things written about this mysterious tenth planet (or ninth, if you do not count Pluto) vary slightly but have some core characteristics: “Planet X” orbits far outside of any known path in our solar system The planet harbors some sort of message or means of change (be in exclusively natural like an Earthquake or it is home to a race of ET’s who seek to enlighten the human race) It’s not a good thing when this planet circles over Earth – insert death and/or ET invasion here Planet X becomes visible every few thousands of years For decades, any such notion of this mysterious Planet X were completely and utterly dismissed as conspiracy fantasy. The idea of something undiscovered by humans seemed to outrage the upper echelons of both the media and scientific community. Until a few months ago, when, practically inexplicably, the narrative completely changed and the mainstream media started openly talking about this “new” discovery of a “mysterious” planet. And, guess what they call it? [...]