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Don`t Be The Dow 20,000 Retail Sucker! (Video)

By EconMatters

It happened in 2000 and again in 2008, and I am sure there will be some suckers who get sucked into the Dow 20,000 Rally this time as well, but you only have yourself to blame. Plenty of non-mainstream financial info out there thanks to the internet to avoid the CNBC and Bloomberg Dow 20,000 Hype Machine Cheerleading that is currently taking place to boost ratings and make money off of irresponsible risk taking.

There is nothing of value in the DOW 30 Stocks` Universe right now. If you feel the need to be involved in this market wait until you get a substantial pullback next year to get involved in the stock market. Avoid being the "Retail Sucker" who routinely ends up holding overpriced stocks as a result of buying into the media hype as the Institutions offload their overpriced inventory to you the terminal bagholders of this stock stench.

When I use the term "Dogshit" stock I mean the price of the stock relative to the historical fundamental value proposition of the stock from a positive expectancy standpoint factoring statistical probability modeling. Good companies can be Dogshit stocks, and most of the stocks are outright dogshit stocks right now, there is nothing I would own right here, period.

All institutions have made are paper profits to date in this rally, they now need suckers to offload their crap to before earning`s hit in 2017. Before the reality hits home that nothing has changed in the fundamentals between last quarter`s earnings and this quarter`s earnings - same old dogshit company with mediocre earning`s, i.e., manipulated eps numbers and sagging revenue numbers. The market is less rigged if you protect yourself as an investor. Don`t be a Sucker!

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