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Gold Jumps, Oil Dumps As Fed's Fischer Sparks Brief Stock-Buying Bonanza

Disappointing data across the globe trumped by jawboning from Draghi & Fisher...


It's a double-rainbow short-squeeze day...


As Tech's squeeze offset energy's weakness...


Futures show the day's undulations...


Dip-buying re-accelerated as the afternoon began, running stops above Friday's highs... but as we went into the close stocks gave up gains...


VIX flash smahed early on - marking the low of the day - then was slammed lower for the rest of the day...


TWTR summed up the day - after rallying on nothing but deal rumors, it dropped when the deal was denied directly only to rally back because... well who cares, buy it right! If they won;t buy it someone will - someone will save us, right?


The USDollar Index dumped 0.6% today led by strength in cable and EUR...


Treasury yields drifted notably higher all day today which on a slow day with no real drivers of exuberance makes us wonder just how much of this equity surge, bond purge was simple pension fund re-allocation at month-start flows...


High Yield credit was not buying it at all...


Dollar weakness helped push gold and silver higher on the day but crude crashed...


WTI Crude roundtripped all its OPEC production cut rumor gains...


Charts: Bloomberg

Bonus Chart: Why wouldn't you panic-buy stocks?