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Government To Spend Over £9m Of Taxpayers’ Money On Pro-EU Propaganda

The British Government is to spend almost £10 million of taxpayers’ money sending leaflets to every household in the country setting out their case for Britain to stay in the European Union. The move has been described by leave campaigners as “disgraceful” Boris Johnson said it was wrong to try to “stampede” voters while Nigel Farage said the document was “full of lies”. Downing Street signed off on plans to spend £9.2m printing and distributing a 16 page glossy leaflet outlining why Britain would be better off in the EU. The Mail Online reports: Environment Secretary Liz Truss today defended the spending by pointing to independent polling indicating 85 per cent of voters wanted more information to help them make a decision. But backers of the Brexit-backing campaigns expressed outrage at the move to flood the country with pro-EU ‘propaganda’ just weeks before the June 23 poll. Ms Truss said: ‘This referendum will be a huge decision for our country, perhaps the biggest we will make in our lifetimes and it is crucial that the public have clear and accessible information. ‘Independent polling carried out on behalf of the Government made clear that 85% of people want more information from [...]