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Michael Moore Melts Down (Again): "This Guy's Going To Get Us All Killed"

Michael Moore, the controversial documentary filmmaker who infamously predicted Trump's victory when everyone else was saying it was impossible and then proceeded to have numerous public nervous breakdowns as a result, is once again back in the public spotlight with a new prediction: "[Trump's] going to get us all killed." The comments came courtesy of an interview with Reuters (full interview can be watched here).

"This guy's going to get us all killed. There's nobody in charge. This man (Trump) has the nuclear codes," Moore, 63, told Reuters Television in an interview on Thursday.


"I'm hoping somebody in the Pentagon is protecting us. Like, whatever's in that nuclear briefcase it's just some girlfriend's phone number or something. I'm just hoping that it's not the real numbers because we're in desperate shape here," said Moore, a longtime liberal and a harsh critic of Trump.


"By the end of this run, 100,000 people would have seen the show. And each of them will tell 10 people things I said or did here tonight. That's a million people I've reached through a Broadway show," he said.


Moore said that far from being depressed by the actions of Trump and events in Washington in the two weeks since starting the show, he has drawn strength from his appearances.


"Every night, when I leave here, I feel like my soul has been healed a little, that I have less despair, that I'm a little bit more hopeful that we're going to figure this out," he said.


Of course, this is hardly the first time Michael Moore has suggested that President Trump is going to "get us all killed."  Back in March, Moore, in reaction to President Trump's roll-back of a number of President Obama's environmental protection and climate change regulations, suggested that Trump's policies were going to result in the "extinction of human life on earth."


All because Hillary lost an election...